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Trades Industry

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CodeCourse NameLocationBeginsEndsMeets
24FTI106Car Maintenance Workshop(Full -waitlist available)*Career Ctr. Auto Lab12/04/2412/18/24Wednesday : 3 Wednesdays 6:30 - 9PM
24FTI334Drywall RepairCareer Ctr. Wood Shop11/25/2411/25/24Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
24FTI362Understanding Your Home: Your House is a SystemOnline12/02/2412/02/24Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
24FTI363Understanding Your Home: Keep Everything FunctioningOnline12/09/2412/09/24Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
25WFP08Special Needs PlanningW-L 201601/01/2501/01/25Wednesday : 1 W 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI100Automotive Repair ProceduresCareer Ctr. Auto Lab01/21/2503/11/25Tuesday : 8 Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI103Automotive Repair Procedures - Advanced(Full -waitlist available)*Career Ctr. Auto Lab01/08/2502/26/25Wednesday : 8 Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI106Car Maintenance WorkshopCareer Ctr. Auto Lab03/18/2504/01/25Tuesday : 3 Tuesdays 6:30 - 9PM
25WTI302AIntroduction to Woodworking & CabinetmakingCareer Ctr. Wood Shop01/14/2503/18/25Tuesday : 10 Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI302BIntroduction to Woodworking & CabinetmakingCareer Ctr. Wood Shop01/15/2503/19/25Wednesday : 10 Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI303Advanced Woodworking and CabinetmakingCareer Ctr. Wood Shop01/16/2503/20/25Thursday : 10 Thursdays 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI333Faucet RepairCareer Ctr. Wood Shop03/10/2503/10/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI334Drywall RepairCareer Ctr. Wood Shop03/17/2503/17/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI336Replacing Electrical OutletsCareer Ctr. Wood Shop02/24/2502/24/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
25WTI347Minor Plumbing RepairsCareer Ctr. Wood Shop03/03/2503/03/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
25WTI353Interior Design Overview: Designing Space for Function and ComfortOnline01/16/2501/16/25Thursday : 1 Th 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI354Interior Design: Choosing the Best Finish, They're More Than What You SeeOnline02/13/2502/13/25Thursday : 1 Th 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI355Interior Design: Lighting Strategies to Enhance Your SpaceOnline03/06/2503/06/25Thursday : 1 Th 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI356Interior Design: Choosing the Best Furniture for Your Project. Cost vs ValueOnline03/13/2503/13/25Thursday : 1 Th 6:30 - 8:30PM
25WTI362Understanding Your Home: Your House is a SystemOnline02/03/2502/03/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9PM
25WTI363Understanding Your Home: Keep Everything FunctioningOnline02/10/2502/10/25Monday : 1 M 6:30 - 9:30PM
25WTI51CElectrical TechnicianOnline01/06/2512/15/25Su, M : 95 Mondays, Sundays 12N - Noon
25WTI52CHVAC TechnicianOnline01/06/2504/12/25Su, M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa : 95 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
25WYPTI20AClass 1: Interior Design As a CareerSyphax 11301/18/2501/18/25Saturday : 1 Sa 10AM - Noon
25WYPTI20BClass 1: Interior Design As a CareerSyphax 11702/15/2502/15/25Saturday : 1 Sa 10AM - Noon

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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.